Sunday, September 22, 2013


                                      American Political System

Assignment 11

     The essay I chose was his reflection about filling out his passport.

People have a tendency to accept what is familiar to them. When people travel and see
other cultures, there is an inclination to hug their values and culture, for fear of the unknown
He suggest that another way of looking at it as humorously, as was his custom in writing. If one
looked at it as such, you wouldn't take things so seriously, that in itself would allow them
to see validity in other cultures and values.

 I think he was trying to say that,do not let our own tradition of culture, stop us from looking at another culture as invalid, or look at it as strange. But looking at it with humor,it won't be taken
so seriously and therefore, we won't be blinded by our own idiosyncrasy.

   I chose this because looking at my life, I see different cultures as this melting pot theory in America
creates so much diversity.If we could be more humorous then maybe we wouldn't have so much
ethnic conflict.  We would then have more respect for the differences in others culture, and value.
Creating more brotherhood and love of all people.