Monday, December 16, 2013



The Reagan administration was defined by the phrase "government is the problem" and tried to remove all government regulation of businesses. Despite this, the budget deficit of the federal government continued to grow through the decade, along with an increasing trade deficit als growing rapidly since the 1970s, and despite Reagan' promises to tackle the "twin deficits." 

The budget deficit grew largely because of a combination of increased military spending and significant tax cuts given to the highest income brackets in the country. Reagan was later forced to reverse many of these tax cuts and ended up raising taxes several times.  Much of the increased military spending was used to finance covert wars in Latin America and the Middle East, but also to "outspend" the Russians on defense, a process that some commentators believe helped pushed the Soviet Union into its final downward spiral into dissolution.

This passage is about the new direction of the country that Reagan felt he needed to take the
country in. His economic philosophy supply-side economics (Reaganomics)   This theory 
suggest that give the rich, upper income brackets, there would then be a trickle down thereby
increasing the economy. The United States government was involved trying to be the protecter
of the world.  That has had a tremendous backlash, involvement in all of these covert wars.  I
don't know what effect the downfall of Russia has, since there were to many unsolved problems
the needed the attention wholeheartedly by the heads of the government.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Woodrow Wilson or Teddy Roosevelt

                            Woodrow Wilson

You know that it was Jefferson who said that the best government is that which does as little governing as possible, which exercises its power as little as possible. That was said in a day when the opportunities of America were so obvious to every man, when every individual was so free to use his powers without let or hindrance, that all that was necessary was that the government should withhold its hand and see to it that every man got an opportunity to act if he would. But that time is past. America is not now, and cannot in the future be, a place for unrestricted individual enterprise. It is true that we have come upon an age of great cooperative industry. It is true that we must act absolutely upon this principle (p. 439).
One thing that many working people have in common is no contact between employees and management. Wilson's central point is that the size and scale of American society is so large that  government intervention is necessary:

Who in this great audience knows his employer? I mean among those who go down into the mines or go into the mills and factories. You never see, you practically never deal with, the president of the corporation. You probably don't know the directors of the corporation by sight. The only thing you know is that by score, by the hundred, by the thousand, you are employed with your fellow workmen by some agent of an invisible employer. Therefore, whenever bodies of men employ bodies of men, it ceases to be a private relationship" (p. 440)

This paragraph is an attack on the size of government.  His perception is also an attack on the
framers  of the Constitution.  His progressive views sees the framers as not being able to 
comprehend the direction of the country at that time, he claimed that the Declaration " is of no consequence to us unless we can translate its general terms into examples of the present day"
It goes back to Thoreau, who said, " people are basically machines and do as they are told, with no use of their own autonomy or intelligence.  Wilson goes on to say that as an example the disparity in
connection between owner, management and employee and corporations, is what is happening
to government, because that is whats controlling the economy.  The only difference between the 
framers, and during his time is that the wealth was centered individually as opposed then
becoming industrialized,creating different problems like monopolies and corporations.

I chose this passage because, it appears that Wilson had tremendous foresight, In retrospect for him
not difficult to envision the future of  the country based on the realities of the day.  Government  was
so huge that it seems distant.   We've come to where major companies, and wealthy families control
so much of the direction of the country.The country is controlled by 5% of the population.  That
hasn't changed much since  since the beginning of the country.  The only change is the shifting of 
resources that gain wealth, from Agriculture to Industrial, and now the Information Age.  Government
will never be small, it will only get more complicated. The wealthy will never share adequately nor 
do they want too. There seems to be a shift, where there are entities to at least get a foundation to
sponsor their beliefs. If there is no change, I believe we are headed for anarchy.

The Depression had profound political implications. In countries such as Germany and Japan, reaction to the Depression brought about the rise to power of militarist governments who adopted the regressive foreign policies that led to the Second World War. In countries such as the United States and Britain, government intervention ultimately resulted in the creation of welfare systems and the managed economies of the period following the Second World War.
In the United States Roosevelt became President in 1933 and promised a "New Deal" under which the government would intervene to reduce unemployment by work-creation schemes such as street cleaning and the painting of post offices. Both agriculture and industry were supported by policies (which turned out to be mistaken) to restrict output and increase prices. The most durable legacy of the New Deal was the great public works projects such as the Hoover Dam and the introduction by the Tennessee Valley Authority of flood control, electric power, fertilizer, and even education to a depressed agricultural region in the south.
The New Deal was not, in the main, an early example of economic management, and it did not lead to rapid recovery. Income per capita was no higher in 1939 than in 1929, although the government’s welfare and public works policies did benefit many of the most needy people. The big growth in the US economy was, in fact, due to rearmament.

In Germany Hitler adopted policies that were more interventionist, developing a massive work-creation scheme that had largely eradicated unemployment by 1936. In the same year rearmament, paid for by government borrowing, started in earnest. In order to keep down inflation, consumption was restricted by rationing and trade controls. By 1939 the Germans’ Gross National Product was 51 per cent higher than in 1929 — an increase due mainly to the manufacture of armaments and machinery.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Second Inaugural Speech Abraham Lincoln

Second Inaugural Speech  Saturday, March 4, 1865

     On the occasion corresponding to this four years ago all thoughts were anxiously directed
to an impending civil war.  All dreaded it, all sought to avert it.  While the inaugural address was
being delivered from this place, devoted altogether to saving the Union without war, insurgent
agents were in the city seeking to destroy it without war-seeking to dissolve the Union and divide effects by negotiation. Both parties deprecated war, but one of them would rather than let the nation survive, and the other would accept war rather than let it perish, and the war came.

    This passage is being historically summarized by Lincoln.  He has taken all the years that have
led to the war.  He explains to the country the different factions that led to the war and their reasons.

     I chose this because, this was about the different factions, pro and con, on slavery and against.
A lot of people did not condemn slavery but considered it morally and religiously wrong. There
was also the economic benefit that the north no longer had from slaves.  The North was becoming
more industrialized. That alone did not allow the advancement of the South to progress  for the nation.The South"s wealth was primarily invested in agriculture, and I think this has proven to
be true, since after the war, there was a influx of he population to he north.  That attitude has continued for a long time, with the saying the north being the promised land. Today though there is a recent surge
in the population shift of returning back to the south.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Lincoln Speech Dred Scot

Lincoln Speech on The Dred Scott  Decision

    " No man can vindicate the character, motives and conduct of the signers of the Declaration of
Independence except upon the hypothesis that they referred to the white race alone, and not to the African, when they declared all men to have been created equal-that they were speaking of British subjects on this continent being equal to  British subjects born and residing in Great Britain- that
they were entitled to the same inalienable rights, and among them were enumerated life, liberty and
the pursuit of happiness.  The Declaration was adopted for the purpose of justifying the colonists in the eyes of the civilized world in withdrawing their allegiance from the British crown, and dissolving their connection with the mother country."

This passage refers to Lincoln giving Justice Douglas view on the the subject of slavery and the question of what to do with the slave. The question of slavery had been plagueing the country since
even before the formation of the union.  His view is that (Douglas) the framers did not intend to
include the African,  as equal.  It was believed that slaves would then be assimilated into white
society, miscegenation would soon follow. He suggest that the framers only meant when it was said of being equal that it was meant for only the British, to be be equal as citizens. Consequently only then having allegiance to the union. There seemed to be great fear in the mingling of white and black

I write about his because, it relates to us still today.  Although slavery has been abolished in the
de jure sense, it is still de facto.  The climate has shifted from slavery, that now there is e.g.
immigration.  When in reality we are all immigrants.

These articles show how the slave believed that their participation in the war would eventually
allow them freedom.  Not knowing deep rooted prejudices and white male superiority would
ultimately curtailed all those efforts. The slave was by no means able to fight those prejudices
off for the institution of slavery had embedded a system that  would still be prevalent today.
It has keep the African from ever extolling the virtues of societal equality, by never the letting family
structure to develop.  Whereby that important fact would help in the slave mentality for freedom
as opposed to equality.

"Contraband of War"--African American Fugitives To Union Lines
Alfred R. Waud.
Contrabands Coming into Camp.
Drawing. Chinese white on brown paper.
Published in Harper's Weekly, January 31, 1863.
Prints and Photographs Division.
Reproduction Number: LC-USZC4-6173/LC-USZ62-14189 (4-1)
As Union armies moved into the South, thousands of slaves fled to their camps. Although some Union officers sent them back to their masters, others allowed them to remain with their troops, using them as a work force and dubbing them "contraband of war."
Of this sketch, Waud, who photographed the "contrabands" and then prepared the drawing for the newspaper, wrote:
There is something very touching in seeing these poor people coming into camp--giving up all the little ties that cluster about home, such as it is in slavery, and trustfully throwing themselves on the mercy of the Yankees, in the hope of getting permission to own themselves and keep their children from the auction-block. This party evidently comprises a whole family from some farm . . . .
"Contrabands" at the Nation's Capitol
Contrabands, Camp Brightwood.
Washington, D.C., ca. 1863. Carte de visite.
Gladstone Collection, Prints and Photographs Division.
Reproduction Number: LC-USZC4-6158 (4-9)
Black slaves who fled to Union lines, or "contrabands," often proved themselves extremely useful, even before the government enlisted them into service. A group of "contrabands" appear on this calling card. Calling cards, or cartes de visite, with photographs were popular during this era partly because photography was relatively new and the cards provided a means of sharing likenesses with friends and relatives. This one includes images of white officers of the 2nd Rhode Island Camp at Camp Brightwood in the District of Columbia. On the left is Capt. B. S. Brown. In the center is Lt. John P. Shaw, killed in action at the Wilderness, Virginia, May 5, 1864, and on the right is Lt. T. Fry. The "contrabands" with them are not named.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Anthony- Stanton - Douglas

The Working Woman"s Association

     The Working Woman"s movement in the city is already assuming an importance unlooked
for the few who met together searce one month since in the office of the "The Revolution" to
discuss the necessity of doing something for the protection of woman's labor.
     A Working Woman"s Association was organized by Susan B. Anthony, Which now numbers over two hundred members. They are to meet once a month to devise ways and means to open to
themselves new and more profitable employments, that thus by decreasing the numbers in the few
avocations now open to women, they can decrease the supply and raise the wages of those who remain.  They propose, also to demand an increase of wages in all those trades where they now work, beside
men for half pay. This can only be done by combination, for one person alone demanding higher wages can effect nothing, but 5,000 women in any one employment, striking for higher wages, would  speedily bring their employers to terms.

     One of Miss Anthony's most cherished plans is to have magnificent printing establishment, and
a daily paper, owned and controlled and all the work done by woman, thus giving employment to hundreds and making the world ring with a new evangel for women.

Elizabeth Cody Stanton   pages 105-106     November 5, 1865

    This passage is specifically about the equality of the woman, in all aspects of society.  I don't think
you can separate the two. They were very good friends, who shared the same intensity for this equality.
Both of them heavily influenced by Thoreau.

I picked this because it coincides with our lectures, and the learning of philosophy. We get a different
perspective on our own opinions after learning of the struggles of others, which include not just rhetoric but actions.  Each of this persons gave more than lip service.

Frederick Douglas

    Tremendous orator, who was a staunch advocator for he rights of slaves.  Synonymous with the plight of Anthony and Stanton, understood the difficulty in addressing the problems of equality of the slave.  Each one having learned of Thoreau, and used his practices for advancement.  I see the similarities in all three, with all having basically the same qualities.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Henry David Thoreau

     The mass of men serve the state thus, not as men mainly, but as machines, with their bodies.
They are the standing army; and the militia, jailers, constables, posse comitatus, etc. In most
cases there os no free exercise whatever of the judgement of the moral sense; but they put themselves
on a level with wood and earth and stones; and wooden men can perhaps be manufactured that will serve the purpose as well.  Such command no more respect than men of straw or a lump of dirt.They have the same sort of worth only as horses and dogs.  Yet such as these even are commonly esteemed good citizens.

This passage relates to the mass of people, who no matter the proffesion they seem to just follow
direction, even though it may be against their own moral principles.  A lot of his writings were based
on his Puritanical religious beliefs.  He feels that one should stand up for their beliefs.  He shows his
validity by not paying his taxes and going to jail. He alludes to the fact that the masses only listen to the leaders, even though they may be wrong. This passage suggest that tou must follow your own mind
and convictions.

     I chose this passage because his words have stood the test of time.  From his support of John Brown,   Who based on his writings may have taken it a too the extreme.In the words of Ganhdi,"I became
convinced that noncooperation with evil is as much a moral obligation as is cooperation with good"
No other person has been more eloquent and passionate in getting his idea across than Henry David
Thoreau, as a result of his writings and personal witness,  "We are heirs of a legacy of creative protest
Martin Luther King, Jr. " (autobiography)

                            Fugitive Slave Law  -  Militant Abolition

    These two topics relate to his writings where he alludes that people are machines, They don't use their own minds to do what is morally right.  John Brown's action although he may have known Thoreau, according to his writings on Civil Disobedience were very extreme, he did not advocate violence.  It gives back to writings on Civil Disobedience  where men follow the corrupt government
without any conscious.

           Anti- Slavery Activism - Plea for the Suppression of the Slave Trade

     Thoreau's writings call for activism.  Which is possibly why many learned people have used his writings to develop a platform.  Ganhdi, Martin Mc Carthy, to name a few.  His writings suggest that you should not let government tell you what to do, when the leaders have their own agenda, one should
follow their own mind.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Anti Federalist Essays


                                                   Anti Federalist essay

Countries are eaten up by the parties they favor, and ravaged by the one they oppose. Fathers
and sons, sheath their swords in anothers bowels in the field, and their wives and daughters are
exposed to rudeness and lust of ruffians at home.  And when the sword has decided quarrel,
the scene is closed with banishments, forfeitures, and barbarous executions that entail distress distress on children then unborn.  May Heaven avert the dreadful catastrophe!  In the most limited
governments, what wranglings,animosities, factions, partiality, and all other evils that
tend to embroil a nation and weaken a state, are constantly practised by legislators,  What then may
expect if the new constitution be adopted as it is now stands?  The great will struggle  for power,
honor and wealth; the poor become a prey to avarice, insolence and oppression.  And while some are studying to supplant their neighbors, and others striving to keep their stations, one villain will
wink at the oppression of another, the people be fleeced, and the public business neglected.  From despotism and tyranny good Lord deliver us.

This passage, I interpret it as , as a plea not to adopt the constitution.  Parties gather together based on their specific needs. It then becomes proponents vs the opponents.  Each one wanting their own policies enforced.  He sees thee potential dangers of the possibility of civil war. He is suggesting that if here is a war there are many consequences. Men and boys fighting for a cause, having their families destroyed,
women and children disrespected.  Suggesting that the country just left a war and should not endeavor
in action that might precipatate another one.

This passage means to me that the person who wrote this had tremendous insight.  What is happening in the political arena today is indicative of his insight. Unfortunately it didn't prevent a civil war.
He was on point when he says about the accumulation of wealth, therby giving them tremendous leverage for power.
Political jobs costing millions of dollars, with the funneling of money to candidates, to better their legislative endeavors.  The politics are controlled  by the wealthy and PAC's and corporations and the
very wealthy.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

James Madison & Alexander Hamilton nos 23 & 46


                                  James Madison

     Federalist Papers no 46

This paper is about whether or not the Federal Government or the States Government
will have the support of the people.  It is suggested that the states Government since
closer to the people, there would possibly have more allegiance.  There was a hypothesis that if a regular army equal to the resources of the country was formed, entirely devoted to the Federal
Government, Madison argues that State Governments, with people on their side in militias and armed would have more fire power the the regular army. It is then imperative for power to the Federal

                                  Alexander Hamilton

   Federal Papers no 23

    This paper suggest that it the responsibility of the Federal Government to provide safety for the people.   What does it take for the government to be able to enforce this power, it should have unrestricted powers, to be able to provide armies, navies and whatever for the purpose of national security.  He also talked about giving power to the  people.  Ultimately giving the ultimate power
to he Federal Government, as it relates to he Constitution.  One disadvantage is that there wasn't
another model to pull from.  He suggest that if the people can't give the government that power
 then it will have difficulty surviving.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Politico Jake Sherman and Burgess Everett



Jake Sherman and Burgess Everett

   I have recently been following Politico, since Prof has us to comment.  It is kind of difficult to
perceive this bickering.  If there was a way in the Constitution that would allow us to get
rid of all of them..Back and forth about issues that are already law.  It seems to me that Boehner appears to be a sore loser.  One thing though he is perfectly within his right according to the Constitution.  I
would hope that the President doesn't cave in to the demands. I think it is high time to make a stand.
If I can't play then I'll take my ball attitude.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

The Constitution and the Federalist (Part 1)

The American Political System

Assignment  10/8

Choose one Article from the Constitution and choose a specific Clause or  short paragraph(for
example Article 1 Section 8 Clause 5) Write out the  clause, interpret it, and explain why you chose this passage.

Article 1, Section 2, Clause

Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the several States which may be
included within this Union, according to their respective Numbers, which shall be determined by the adding to the whole Number of free Persons, including those bound to Service for Term of Years,
and excluding Indians not taxed, three fifths of all other Persons, The actual Enumeration shall be made within three Years after the first Meeting of the Congress of the United States, and within every subsequent Term of ten Years, in such Manner as they shall by Law direct.  The Number of Representatives shall not exceed one for every thirty Thousand, but each State shall have at Least
one Representative and until such enumeration shall be made, the State of New Hampshire shall
be entitled to chuse three, Massachusetts eight, Rhode Island and Providence Plantations one,
Connecticut five, New York six, New Jersey four, Pennsylvania eight, Delaware one, Maryland
six, Virginia ten, North Carolina five, South Carolina five and Georgia three.

The clause establishes that representation in the House is apportioned on the basis of population. It also establishes that a census be taken every ten years, to accurately represent  the states, in proportion to the population. The first sentence were it mentions direct taxes,didn't allow it to tax, because it was
based on taxes in proportion to the population of the states.

I chose this because, it has given American structure then as we know it today. There has been little change, so there has been continuity.  The only change has been, is the shifting of the population
(north to south, now north to south).   There  is an equality, e,g American born Indians, also slaves.
Wherein this country is made up almost entirely of immigrants.  That suggest that it was designed for some people, primarily person who owned property.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

                             The American Political System

Benjamin Rush

I selected him because, he appeared to be sympathetic to the slavery issue.  I think they all
agreed that one of the biggest issues facing them was, the issue of slavery.  He was trying
to present the issue of slavery from a religious perspective.  There was a lot of religious
persecution in  England.  I think he feared the same pitfalls as England did in its past.
It it not known whether or not he owned slaves, it wouldn't be difficult to suggest he did,  Most of the men who had wealth and power did.  I think he was suggesting a point of view, that was basically
ignored.  I think it was his intention to bring awareness to the slave  trade and its negative
implications.  Although he may or not have owned slaves, he felt that whomever profited
from he labor of the the slave trade would pay for it from the creator.

     Declaration of Independence

When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the
political bands, which have connected them with another, and to assume among, the powers
of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of nature and of nature's God
entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that should declare the causes
which impel them to separation.--We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life,
Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

I think this saying, if I can use a parable, when an bird becomes of age and can go and hunt and take care of themselves, it it time to cut the ties and become independent.  The issue of distance, and also
of taxation.  There was a bigger issue that was of allegiance, it was time foe autonomy.

I picked these two because, it appears that the same issues  that were succinct then, are still prevalent today.  We can look at almost any part of society, whether it be economically, politically and or socially the question of the Afro-American.  One day we may see the hypocritical words of the Constitution
and The Declaration of Independence, where all men are truly created equal, that they are endowed by the Creator, with certain unalienable Rights that among these are life, Liberty and the pursuit
of Happiness.


Sunday, September 22, 2013


                                      American Political System

Assignment 11

     The essay I chose was his reflection about filling out his passport.

People have a tendency to accept what is familiar to them. When people travel and see
other cultures, there is an inclination to hug their values and culture, for fear of the unknown
He suggest that another way of looking at it as humorously, as was his custom in writing. If one
looked at it as such, you wouldn't take things so seriously, that in itself would allow them
to see validity in other cultures and values.

 I think he was trying to say that,do not let our own tradition of culture, stop us from looking at another culture as invalid, or look at it as strange. But looking at it with humor,it won't be taken
so seriously and therefore, we won't be blinded by our own idiosyncrasy.

   I chose this because looking at my life, I see different cultures as this melting pot theory in America
creates so much diversity.If we could be more humorous then maybe we wouldn't have so much
ethnic conflict.  We would then have more respect for the differences in others culture, and value.
Creating more brotherhood and love of all people.